since the 20th century, chemical fibers began to be produced with the development of polymer materials. the advent of chemical fiber has changed the history of human beings as the only raw material for textile fibers for thousands of years, and has opened up broad prospects for obtaining new and more superior textile fibers. the raw materials of chemical fiber come from petroleum, natural gas, coal, and by-products of agriculture and forestry. with the rapid growth of the petroleum industry, the development of varieties, quantities, and technological levels of synthetic fibers far exceeds the production of man-made fibers. chemical fiber industry in the production process, the safety and stability of the pipe system is the key to production, valve products need to be able to deal with complex conditions in the chemical fiber pipe system, so that the production process of the pipe system to run more freely.
chemical fiber industry
case presentation
jilin chemical fiber co., ltd.
chemical fiber project filament device
sateri fiber co., ltd.
160,000 tons differentiated chemical fiber project
indonesia pt.rum
annual output of 100,000 tons viscose staple fiber project
jiangsu xiangsheng viscose fiber co., ltd.
phase i, ii, iii viscose staple fiber and waste gas treatment project
lenzing leading fiber innovetion
viscose staple fiber engineering and waste gas treatment project
xinxiang chemical fiber co., ltd.
lithium bromide steam regulating valve device
aoyang group
hengtian baoding swan chemical fiber group
tangshan sanyou group
shandong yingli industrial co.,ltd